Estate Maintenance

Your Estate, Impeccably Maintained: At REIMELS, we understand that your estate is more than just a property; it's a reflection of your lifestyle and accomplishments. Our Estate Maintenance service is designed to ensure that every inch of your grounds is meticulously cared for.

From the lush lawns to the elegantly trimmed hedges, our team of experts provides comprehensive care with an eye for perfection. We employ the latest techniques and highest quality materials to guarantee that your estate is not just maintained, but enhanced with each visit, ensuring it remains a living testament to your discerning taste.

Seasonal Cleanups

Seasonal Splendor, Effortlessly Achieved: As the seasons change, so do the needs of your estate. Our Seasonal Cleanup services are tailored to prepare your property for the upcoming season. In the spring, we rejuvenate your landscape, clearing away the remnants of winter and setting the stage for blooming beauty.

Come fall, we meticulously remove fallen leaves and prepare your grounds for the colder months ahead. Each cleanup is conducted with thoroughness and care, ensuring that your estate transitions seamlessly into each new season, showcasing its beauty year-round.

Chef’s Garden

Culinary Delights from Your Backyard: For the epicurean homeowner, a Chef’s Garden is a delightful addition to your estate. REIMELS specializes in creating custom, organic gardens that provide not only aesthetic beauty but also a bountiful supply of fresh herbs, vegetables, and fruits.

Whether you're an enthusiastic home cook or a professional chef, our team will work with you to design and maintain a garden that caters to your culinary needs. Imagine the joy of preparing meals with ingredients picked straight from your backyard, adding a touch of home-grown luxury to your dining experience.